We have partnered with an industry leader- InstaMortgage to help you in your journey.
We have dedicated and experienced representatives local to help guide you while facilitating the process.
Some areas that contractors are typically looking for funding are:
- Cash out refinancing to use equity in one of your properties to finance another project
- Construction loans
- Spec purchases
- Construction rehab loans
If you would like to discuss this or any mortgage related issues, help is one click away.
Jeff Friedlander NMLS 1941202
InstaMortgage Inc NMLS 1035734
Life & Health Including Senior Health
There is an obvious connection as to why we are suggesting contractors obtain their insurance license for Property & Casualty. The construction Industry revolves around it! Contractors can’t operate without some form of Property & Casualty Insurance.
Why then would we recommend a Life & Health license?
A Societal Change, means opportunity like never before!
The Societal Change is The Greying of America. 11,000 people a day turn 65 years old and there are more than 53 million people in that demographic.
The Federal Government created a program almost 60 years ago to provide health coverage to these folks and based on the Societal Change listed above, it has grown into a $900 billion behemoth and continues to grow each year.
As people turn 65 years old they face a mandate to make decisions about their health insurance and it’s complex and bewildering to them. They need someone to talk to and guide them.
That’s where you come in! By taking away the pain for both the client and the Federal Government you would get paid incredibly well and not just once but over and over again.